Innovative solutions for unconventional product design.
When you need an unorthodox solution, ETA can leverage 4-decades’ creativity to employ CAE simulation in unconventional ways.

CAE simulation can be applied in creative ways. Outside the box.
Thinking ‘CAE’ often brings to mind images of stressed vehicle components. Apart from these conventional structural analyses, there are uncounted applications and domains where effective use of CAE Simulation Software can lead to innovative solutions for a variety of problems. ETA’s Engineering Research and Development (R&D) team thinks laterally, applying new solutions to many different problems and applications. Here are some examples:
Plastic Solo cup
SOLO, needed ways to reduce cost for their famous cups.
Greif fibre drums
Dropped frequently, the drums needed to withstand droppage better.
Brake performance
Noisy, Hot, ETA developed creative performance solution.
Ground-improvement mats
Designed non-crushable ground mats for armor and tank applications.